The future belongs to everyone
We are driven by our vision of creating a lasting link to the future. We provide high-speed access to a shared digital future so that people, businesses, societies, and our planet can develop and flourish together.
What we aim for
At Hexatronic, we aim to be at the forefront of creating sustainable solutions for the telecom infrastructure market. Our Sustainability Roadmap guides our journey to 2030 and beyond.
Our focus areas
The consequences of increased global warming and limited natural resources call for sustainability actions. Discover how we work with climate neutrality, eco design, and total transparency.
Employee wellbeing, development, and equality are essential factors to nurture a positive, inclusive and productive work environment that benefits both employees and employers. We are on it.
We are committed to strong business ethics in our relationships worldwide and seek partners who share our values and sense of global responsibility. Our Code of Conduct has a central role.
A digitalized and low-carbon society
As a provider of fiber optic infrastructure solutions, Hexatronic has a unique opportunity to contribute to the transition to a digitalized and low-carbon society. Let Pernilla Eriksson, Head of Sustainability at Hexatronic Group, tell you more about how.

Sustainability Report 2023

How we create more sustainable FTTH networks
Are you interested in reducing the carbon footprint of your project? Read our article to find out what we already do to achieve more sustainable networks.
Sustainability stories
Get inspired by our latest sustainability initiatives.

Our policies
Sustainability policy
We take a holistic approach to sustainable development. This means respecting and protecting the environment, human rights, employee rights, and good business ethics. We strive to continuously improve our operation and comply with rules and relevant requirements.
We intend to work with contractors and suppliers who share our sustainability and business ethics values. This Sustainability Policy applies to all companies in the Hexatronic Group and all employees and hired labor.
Code of Conduct
Everyone at Hexatronic takes recurring training in our Code of Conduct and is expected to support and work in line with the company's commitments, our internal regulations as summarised in the Code, and all applicable laws.
The Code of Conduct reflects Hexatronic's commitment to carry on business activities responsibly and ethically.
Diversity and Gender Equality policy
Hexatronic shall be an equal and inclusive workplace with high diversity. The organization has a zero-tolerance policy towards discrimination, sexual harassment, and victimization.
Our policies

Hexatronic Group's Modern Slavery Act Statement
Hexatronic Group is committed to preventing any form of modern slavery, servitude, and human trafficking, as well as forced or compulsory labor. Hexatronic is a signatory of the UN Global Compact and adheres to the ten principles.
This statement has been published in accordance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015. It sets out the steps taken by Hexatronic in 2023 to prevent modern slavery in its business and supply chains.

Whistleblowing function
If you, as an employee, customer, or any other contact with the Group, want to report concerns about serious misconduct, you can use the whistleblowing function.
It can, for instance, be anything that violates high business ethics and seriously affects Hexatronic as an organization, one person's life, or health. If you wish, you can be fully anonymous.